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SOLD Antique 19th Century Polish Or Hungarian Nobleman's Magnate sword In Turkish Ottoman Style


SOLD Rare authentic antique, 19th century, circa 1800-1850, Polish or Hungarian Nobleman's Magnate jeweled sabre in the manner of Turkish Ottoman sword. Most of these types of the luxury swords were made in late 18th -19th century in Krakow, Budapest, and Vienna for Hungarian, Polish and Croatian Aristocracy, and was worn with the national costume.

Details: A brass hilt and scabbard with traces of gold gilding and made from several elements, and richly adorned on the exterior with various shapes and colored pastes (faux gems), the obverse side of the hilt and scabbard decorated with scrolls and floral motifs.

Single edged, very sharp, curved blade of shamshir type is made of hand-forged Damascus steel with wavy watered pattern.


Znamenja vlasti i časti u Hrvatskoj u 19. stoljeću.Jasna Tomičić; Hrvatski povijesni muzej;. Print book. Croatian. 1993.

Kardok by Lugosi József – Temesváry Ferenc.


Condition: Showing the age and heavy usage, the gold gilding on the hilt and scabbard completely worn-out, blade bent with some small nicks on the edge, grip bent at the center, some color pastes chipped, the part of the pastes setting elaborated panels on the scabbard partly broken off, few missing pastes, some pastes, possibly, are later replacements (as is common in the jeweled swords). All of this can be an aspect from an antique sword that is over 150 years old.


Overall length with the scabbard: 88 cm (34.65 inches).
Overall length without scabbard: 79.4 cm (31.26 inches).

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